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Paul has coached gifted writers to win prizes and honors in writing competitions such as the prestigious Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and the Ayn Rand Institute Essay Contests. He coaches based on his own experience and success. When Paul was in high school, he won prizes in many prestigious contests including 2nd place out of 4,000 participants in the international Anthem essay contest.


Below is Paul's systematic process for training students to write at an advanced, contest level.


  • Step 1: Select contests to enter.

  • Step 2: Make a list of deadlines.

  • Step 3: Research each contest.

    • Read eligibility and requirements.

    • Analyze past winners (if provided).

    • Gather information from articles, books, and videos if necessary.

  • Step 4: Write

    • Brainstorm

    • Outline

    • Write

    • Revise

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